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21-22 Team Pictures

10/11/2021, 8:45am MDT

Team Pictures have been set for the 21-22 season. They will be held at the Budweiser Events Center (BEC) as they have been very generous in offering us this space again. Dates will be Tues, Oct 19 or Wed, Oct 20.


While it’s a great place for pictures we are VERY LIMITED ON SPACE in the basement area, so please all skaters must come dressed so you only have to put on your skates — do NOT bring your equipment bag. Goalies are the only exception and can bring their gear to get dressed. Again no skaters should come and get dressed at the BEC. Either arrive dressed or dress in parking lot of BEC. There is simply not enough space.


Please arrive on time for your pictures, it’s a tight schedule. We did our best to arrange them to not have a conflict with practices, however some teams may have them just before or just after so please plan accordingly.


Both Travel and Rec teams should wear their WHITE jerseys.

Under 8 - Wear team jersey 

Picture orders will be done via email. There are no paper order forms this season. YSPN will email each parent for picture ordering. 


Thank you 

Tag(s): Jr Eagles